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Sales Force Developer
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Sales Force Developer
xonier technologies pvt ltd
30+ days ago
Job description
Roles and Responsibilities
Meeting with project managers to determine CRM needs.
Developing customized solutions within the Salesforce platform.
Preparation of the Test ScenariosDesigning, coding, and implementing Salesforce applications.
Creating timelines and development goals.
Testing the stability and functionality of the application.
Troubleshooting and fixing bugs.
Writing documents and providing technical training for Salesforce staff.
Maintaining the security and integrity of the application software.
Desired Candidate Profile
Bachelors degree in computer science or software engineering.
Previous work experience with application and software development.
Experience developing customer-facing interfaces.
Advanced knowledge of Salesforce CRM platforms.
Proficient in MYSQL, Apex, JavaScript, Native, and VisualForce.
Working knowledge of mavensMate or eclipse.
Good communication skills.
Ability to problem solve high-level software and application issues.
Ability to project manage.